Our Policy Priority: Serving Iowans in their Homes & Communities
Mental Health and Behavioral Health Priorities
- Invest in Evaluation and Management Codes that providers utilize to help cover costs of scarce medical providers such as Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners.
- Ensure Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC’s) continue to receive block grant funding that supports them to remain safety net providers.
- Invest in the lowest tier of the Habilitation waiver (UA) to continue to serve individuals in the community with behavioral health needs.
Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) Priorities
- HCBS providers need $8.54 million to expand capacity of intermittent community-based services. These services allow individuals to remain in the community and be supported and include the following:
- Employment Services Hourly
- Hourly Supported Community Living Services
- Respite Services
- Day Habilitation Services
Advocacy Resources
Policy Resources