About the Iowa Association of Community Providers
IACP supports Iowa community providers so they can fully support Iowans in need of behavior health and disability services. 135+ providers across the state look to IACP as a trusted resource in their work to help those they serve to lead more productive and fulfilling lives. This is reflected in IACP’s mission and vision.

Improving Iowa’s Future
By setting goals that align with this mission and vision, IACP is doing its part to advocate for Iowans who need it most. IACP’s goals for the future include:
- Complete access to affordable, seamless services for all Iowans
- Make competitive, integrated, community-based employment available for all Iowans
- Encourage state investment in community-based services, NOT in institutional care
- Give individuals the opportunity to participate as citizens in the community of their choice
Strategic Goals
Our strategy revolves around four pillars: elevate membership, ensure sustainability, leverage resources, and influence public policy through a unified voice. Discover more below:

Strategic Focus Area: Membership Development
Goal: IACP membership elevates industry advocacy, expertise, and leadership for member employees.
- Objective 1: Strengthen committee function through the utilization of identified characteristics for each standing committee
- Objective 2: Implement retention strategies with all membership levels
Strategic Focus Area: Sustainability
Goal: IACP utilizes a sustainable dues structure for membership categories
- Objective 1: Analyze, research, and develop dues structure addressing each member category
- Objective 2: Implement recruitment strategies with member prospects
Goal: IACP utilizes a succession plan with all employees.
- Objective 1: Explore individual employee career aspirations
- Objective 2: Establish an individual plan for achievement for each employee
Strategic Focus Area: Leverage Resources
Goal: IACP utilization of non-dues revenues exceeds industry standards
- Objective 1: Formally analyze current and prospective business solutions products & services
- Objective 2: Establish annual target profit margins for all non-dues revenue categories
Strategic Focus Area: Policy and Advocacy
Goal: IACP members inform and influence public policy with a unified voice of support for the annual advocacy agenda.
- Objective 1: Enhance member engagement on policy issues on the national, state, and local levels
- Objective 2: Enhance member communications to legislators and regulators utilizing a unified message supporting the association’s agenda.