Peer Support Specialist Awards

We are thrilled to introduce, for the very first time, the IACP Peer Support Specialist Awards! Peer Support Specialists provide invaluable support, understanding, and guidance to individuals on their recovery journey. Their lived experiences and empathetic approach offer hope and inspiration, making a profound impact on the mental health and well-being of many. We are eager to honor this group.


Do you know a Peer Support Specialist who goes above and beyond in their role? Now is your chance to recognize their exceptional contributions. Nominations are open, and we encourage you to submit your nominations to honor these unsung heroes.

Click here to submit a nomination.


All nomination submissions, including a recent photo, must be completed by 5:00 PM on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

Notes to consider

  • Click here to review a PDF of the nomination application questions before submitting a response in the SurveyMonkey link
  • Please limit nominations to five per organization. Email IACP with any questions.
  • Nominees will be celebrated on Monday, September 9, 2024. For more information on the event, visit our Future Forward Summit webpage.

