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TA Webinar - Spring Regional Training: Effectively Implementing Person-Centered Planning while incorporating Positive Behavior Supports in HCBS Settings
Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM CDT
Category: Service Excellence

TA Spring Regional Training: Effectively implementing Person-Centered Planning while Incorporating Positive Behavior Supports in HCBS Settings

Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Time: 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

Investment: $10

Presenters: Ben Woodworth & Megan Hartwig


Organizations are required in Iowa’s HCBS Administrative Rules to implement person-centered planning. Positive Behavior Supports are one way to move organizations in a more person-centered direction. This interactive training will help participants build on existing knowledge to increase understanding of the intersection between person-centered planning and positive behavior supports. Application of these concepts along with tools for implementation at all levels of an organization will be shared. Participants, regardless of their organizational role, will develop skills to meaningfully implement and utilize person-centered concepts. 


9:30 Training begins
12:00 Lunch break
1:00 Training begins
2:30 Training ends

Platform: Zoom - Virtual, the Link with Meeting Passcode will be emailed within two business days prior to the training event date. Handouts/Tools/Materials will be included in this email if they are available at the time the link is sent. If they are unavailable at the time of sending, they will be linked within the training event as well as emailed out following the conclusion. To attend this event an Authenticated Zoom Account is required. If you don't have one - no worries! To create one is free. Make sure to create your Zoom Account with the email address used to register for this event. For more detail - click HERE.

Click HERE to register. Looking for a calendar file? Click the "Download as iCal file" link in the event within the IACP website calendar. The link to the iCal file is on the left side below registration. Outlook users do not select "Preserve formatting..." it will pull HTML code into the body of the event instead of regular text.

*Registration Fees are non-refundable.  If schedules prevent the original registrant from attending, it is permissible to send someone in their place.  Please contact IACP should you need to switch attendees.

Contact: [email protected]